
I started with Plexus supplements in July of 2018. My friend Morgan had been taking a variety of them for a year and had experienced wonderful results. A lot of the issues Morgan was having before Plexus were similar to those that I was experiencing. I had tried all types of supplements over the years to fight my arthritis pain, nerve pain, muscle fatigue, brain fog, and general fatigue and body aches. A natural healer had once explained leaky gut syndrome to me and it helped explain a lot of the issues I was having. Therefore, I had spent many years working with diet and supplements to heal my gut and ease the pain related to food before I started Plexus. While I had made discoveries with diet, I had noticed little difference with the supplements. Morgan recommended that I start with the


Triplex combo which contains Slim, a drink that helps regulate blood sugar levels, restore the gut’s microbiome and improve overall energy (among other things), along with ProBio5 and BioCleans that help clean and replenish the gut.

After a few months, I added more supplements such as VitalBiome, a strong mix of probiotics, XFactor, a multivitamin, Nerve, and MegaX.

So far so good… I definitely have noticed a difference in my gut. And my energy levels are much improved! I believe that these are well-made products that can be used for a whole host of health reasons.

Here’s what I’m currently taking as of March 2019:


And while my gut is so much stronger, I’ve also noticed a difference with my mental health since I started taking the CBD a month ago. And one can only hope that the happier I am, the less pain I’ll be in! 😊 Only time will tell!

Visit to learn more about these awesome supplements!

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