Phase 1 with Whole30

Well, it’s been over a month since I finished my first 75 Hard. I’ve been enjoying the rest of my summer and I just celebrated my 34th birthday! There has been a lot to celebrate this month including my parents moving to Florida! Yay!

So I took some time off, and I’ve enjoyed many delicious foods and alcohol (as I presume many people do afterwards). I don’t think I’ve ever gone 75 Days without alcohol since turning 21! I’ve done sober January for the past 3 years, but that’s only 31 days!

Anyway, I kept doing my yoga and drinking as much water as possible. I stayed away from sweets except for a handful of occasions, most recently being my birthday! I didn’t want to fall back into bad habits with sweets and end up losing the progress I’d made from 75 Hard. Nothing causes me more pain that sugar and alcohol. I also kept listening to Andy’s RealAF podcast. Those guys are real motivators! And if you need more inspiration, check out his AndyGrams like this one below:

I’m excited to cleanse my body of the bad stuff again and for Phase 1, I’ve decided to do another Whole30 at the same time. This will be an added challenge because my diet was not nearly this strict during 75Hard. I still cut out ALL sugar, alcohol obviously, fast food, and most dairy. I allowed myself to have fat free, zero sugar plain Greek yogurt with my fruit in the morning. One of my favorite things! Sometimes I crumble one of my bars on top. So yummy! I’ll miss that breakfast option.

Anyway, I’m looking forward to seeing myself tone up this time! Seeing results in the mirror and feeling your body change is the most rewarding thing. It keeps you motivated and driven to keep up with healthy habits.

I took a few cold showers before today because I wanted to make sure I was going to be able to handle them -haha. I don’t think I’ve ever voluntarily taken a cold shower! Thankfully it’s summer time in Florida, so after a hard workout, it feels pretty good!

The other two additions to the Daily Rules are 3 Critical Power List tasks and 10 minutes of dedicated visualization. I’m not really sure how I’m going to fit all of this into my daily routine once I go back to school (teaching) in a few days, but I’m up for the challenge. My Power List will be a lot of work stuff because I need to get organized for the year and learn some new creative teaching strategies. I also want to make sure that I’m staying on top of this blog!

I got so lucky with starting 75 Hard during Covid-19 quarantine. I was working from home the last quarter of school and could be more flexible with my workout times. It was also easier to remember to drink water with less distractions (a.k.a. students). And I was living alone (because my roommate moved out unexpectedly) so no one was bringing home unauthorized foods. 😂

This time, things are a little different! School is starting back and I’ll have to plan ahead a lot more when it comes to workouts and Whole30 meals. Luckily, I’ve had lots of practice! Also, my new roommate and boyfriend are being very supportive!

Live hard. No excuses.

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